Top Three Benefits of Digital Scanning Services

It’s tax season again, and many businesses, big and small alike, find themselves scrambling to ensure they have all the documents they need to get to their accountants, employees, and more. And while more and more businesses are going paperless, many companies are still holding out and sticking to paper or operating in a hybrid paper and digital office that are trying to handle the process in-house. This often leads to files saved haphazardly leading to databases that are just as cluttered and difficult to navigate as your paper documents. Digital scanning services, however, can help you get your business organized.

What Are Scanning Services?

Secure scanning services convert paperwork and other physical records to digital. This allows the new digital records to be integrated into your company's computer system. In this form, they can be maintained securely and still be accessible to your staff regardless of how many locations your company has or where your team works.

What Are Scanning Services?

Businesses can handle secure document scanning in one of two ways – in-house or through secure scanning services. In the former case, you would have an employee scan and digitize your documents. That can work for a small business, especially if it's new or has a limited amount of records. The drawback is that while employees scan documents, they aren't doing other work.

The more straightforward and thorough solution is hiring a secure scanning service, like those offered by Storage Quarters. Our staff is fully trained in all digital security protocols, like HIPPA regulations. They can scan and index all of your records to ensure everything is in the form you need and encrypt it if necessary. We can also securely shred the original paperwork and provide a Certificate of Destruction. Nothing is stored in the cloud, and we'll return your files on a thumb drive or external drive.

So what exactly are the significant benefits of using digital scanning services?

  1. Decrease In Paper Clutter Means More Office Space Increased Data Security
  2. In New York, your time is money, but your real estate may be worth even more. What seems like a manageable amount of paper over time can creep up on you and your business and turn into a costly burden. You might start trying to keep it neat. Over time, hallways may narrow from more filing cabinets. These rooms could be offices become de facto storage facilities, or you end up with boxes and filing cabinets scattered about in your open office space. It's not easy on the eye while also reducing the number of people you can comfortably set up in that space. Reducing that clutter not only makes it easier to work, it just makes your office space look nicer and, as a result, more professional.

  3. Increased Data Security
  4. Some people might find this hard to believe at first, but your documents are more secure when stored digitally than physically. It’s understandable to feel that the logic isn’t there at first. After all, we hear about hackers and threats to our cybersecurity to this day. That said, when you’re dealing with paper documents, it’s potentially lost forever if you lose the paper. On other occasions, you may have to pay fees to replace lost documents and end up waiting weeks or longer for replacements.

    That will still be a problem if your office isn’t digitally secure. Selecting a digitization services company like Storage Quarters is safe and secure.

  5. Helps to Make Your Office More Environmentally Friendly
  6. While it is true that digital storage does consume energy, moving toward a paperless office does have a positive impact on the environment. Reducing paper usage is a significant factor alone, but you’re also reducing the amount of physical mail sent to your office. Digital statements, digital signature services, and other digitization services that avoid paper use help to minimize clutter and help the environment. You’ll require less printing (and possibly fewer printers in the office) which means fewer supplies you’ll be going through, which continues to reduce the number of items shipped to your office and reduce the amount of physical waste your office is producing as well. That’s a big win for the environment!

Storage Quarters Provides Secure Document Storage, Shredding, And Digitization Services

Storage Quarters has more than 35 years of experience servicing the greater New York City area, working with businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re working from home or working at an office, Storage Quarters has many services designed to declutter your office and keep your information safe and secure through our professional scanning and digitizing services, secure document shredding services, and more. We’re here to help declutter your office safely and securely. Contact us today by email or call (516) 794-7300for a free quote on our available services to help your business.

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